Monday, December 21, 2009

I haven't updated my blog for awhile so here is an update.

Love Life:
Been dating a lot of douches!! I dated a married guy on accident!!!! Who is a pig for sure!! I dated a fun guy who wasn't so great as a boyfriend.. Yeah anyway its been lame and a constant stream of douches and losers.

School life:
I only have 4 months left of school! Yay! I'm tired of going to school with a bunch of stuck up girls.. They are really annoying! I love to do hair though for sure! I really think I found my calling in life. I think I'm pretty decent at it so far!

Friend Life:
I recently got rid of friend who I've known for a long time. I now realize I can't count on anyone ever taying around.

well that's my quick update!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Serious Douche!

This guy I met named Zach is a complete physco cocky douche! Like he was all you're to busy for me and shit like you don't like me. Like what the hell? I just met you and you think you are the most important thing in my life. What a clingy physco really! And he has the nerve to say I'm a busy person who doesn't make time for people... Um.. News flash for the douche I have awesome people in my life and he isn't one of them. He was trying to deny that he wasn't assuming shit but says that he would just be my free time guy. Like what the hell really?? Where does he get this shit!? He obviously doesn't know anything bout me. He is really crazy! He needs to get over himself and then says I'm a bitch and I expect people to put up with my shit. Well again with the he knows shit about me cuz I don't treat people like shit like him. So kiss my ass you pyscho douche! Go find a girl as crazy as your dumbass! Glad you got the hell away from me cuz I thought I was going to have to change my number.. Again! Ha ha..

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Just tired of losers!

I am tired of dating loser guys. I think I will be happier alone. I apparently say and do all the wrong things when it comes to dating. I think taking a break from the dating life. I'm far to busy to be worrying about boys. I wish I could say men but they all act like boys. For now I'm going to concentrate more on school and work and less on losers.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Newest Baby

I am home on the rare Saturday with no work in the morning. Life is pretty damn boring, but its okay cuz I'm hanging with my sweet babies Guerin and Skye. Skye is the newest addition to the family. She is the sweetest little boxer who is full of energy. So far Guerin hasn't been to sure about her but luckily he is starting to warm up to her. They are a lot of fun and now maybe Guerin won't be so lonely.

Fake People..

I most def can't stand fake ass people. They drive me crazy. I have this "friend" who I've been friends with for 7 years. Well, I thought we were friends. Boy was I surprised when I found out he was in town through my friend Amanda cuz he actually had the nerve to call her up and hang out with her. I got no phone call no visit from him and he left this morning. My friend Amanda is like I'm so sad can't wait til he comes back. Well I'm already in a super bad mood so I tell her I don't care. She gets this snippy attitude with me so I pretty much tell her she doesn't have any right cuz I wouldn't want a friend like that and she needs to be more senstive cuz I lost a friend and her just got on a plane. I'm seriously so surprised that she still wants to be his friend after he hurt me. Honestly I would never ever let my friend treat her the way he did and get away with it. I thought she had my back over anyone and I guess I was wrong. I'm so tired of my friends treating me like shit and I'm done helping everyone out cuz I just shit on for it. If you don't wanna be my damn friend open your big ass mouth and say something. I don't need or want someone as a friend if they are just going to stab me in my back.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update on My love life!

In case you may not of her my boyfriend Josh and I broke up. It is most def fine though cuz I met Shane. He is so much different than Josh but in a good way. He cares about my needs and he is such a good guy. I never thought I could meet someone so amazing! I mean its still early in the relationship but none the less I feel a very strong connection with him. He is so cute and sweet and I wonder how I ended up with someone this amazing. I thought I had bad love karma or just a loser magnent inside me. I am so happy right now with him and things keep getting better with him so I hope they stay that way! Cross your fingers for me. I could be the next one married or on to the next loser.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My school adventures

For those of you that don't know I'm going to beauty school. Well, my class is so funny. I was having a rough day today when my friend Chris was just talking bout stuff. I have helped him out with his fiance, but I didn't think much of it because I'm just a person who likes to help. So, today I bummed out with man troubles and I was just being quiet. Chris was trying to make me smile and I just wasn't having it. He sits me down at lunch and says you helped me when I was going through a tough time and I am your friend for life now. I decided to tell him and he really helped me out a lot. I was pretty touched when he said that because normally people just take my advice and we are not friends for life. I really hope he remains my friend. He is an amazing person and so very funny! I really hope though what i think about my boyfriend isn't true.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My love hate relationship

I have a wonderful boyfriend. Well, only when he wants to be, but my hell that boy can be such a pain in my ass. People always ask why I put up with it. It's because we get in fights and we make up just like everyone else on the planet who is in a relationship. We love to hate each other sometimes, but we are very happy. Sure we get in some stupid fights, but he makes me happy at the end of the day and that's all that's all that matters. He surely is amazing most of the time. He continues to surprise me each day. Sometimes they are so amazing and I can't believe that he can be so amazing.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My sis the pain

My sister drives me crazy when she does not pick up her phone! Jeez what if I was calling her for a good reason, which I was tonight. It's like my hell stop giving a boob job to your damn husband or whatever the hell you guys do in your crazy sex life. You are such a whore!

People at work...

The people at my job are so odd. I have the this friend, Chris, at work who is only there on the weekends. Well today he texts me and told me that are boss at work asked him if we had something going on. I'm like that's weird I have a boyfriend and he is dating someone. I ask him why? He tells me that everyone says we follow each other around. I'm like wait a minute my boss follows her friend around so does that mean they are dating? Or how bout when I follow round my friend Tasha? Why do people think that just cuz 2 people are of opposite sex that they can't just be friends? I don't know... It's weird.

Monday, March 16, 2009

First off to get to know me I have to tell you that my dog, Guerin, is my whole world! He is so freaking cute! He is the craziest lil' dog but I love him, but he has got an attitude with people. When people come to my house he tries to play like he is a tough scary dog and bark at people. Well as they get settled in he goes up and sniffs people trying to find out who's in "his" house. That makes people think oh look he came over. Let me try to pet him. Big mistake... He moves as fast as he can away from them and gives them this what the hell do you think you're doing look. It's actually quite entertaining. He is a 13 pound pomerian and very fuzzy. He means the world to me tough.